Become a Member
We invite you to become a Gordon House Conservancy member! Gordon House members receive:
Free admission to the Gordon House in Silverton for one year from date of membership.
Discounts on items sold at the Gordon House Gift Corner.
Advance notice for educational and special events.
Other promotional discounts and offers.
Memberships at $100 and above also receive admission and other discounts at other Wright sites, including Wright’s home and studio at Oak Park, the Guggenheim Museum, and Fallingwater.
Membership Levels
Individual — $45
Senior — $30
Includes admission for one person per visit.
Family — $75
Includes admission for two adults and up to four youth under 18 per visit.
Friend — $100
Includes admission for two adults and up to four youth under 18 per visit. Plus:
Two guided tour passes (member does not need to be present)
Eligible for other Wright Site discounts
Wright Cornerstone Society — $1,000
Includes admission for two adults and up to four youth under 18 per visit. Plus:
Two additional guests admitted per visit.
Ten guided tour passes (member does not need to be present)
Eligible for other Wright Site discounts
Event use of Gordon House