Guide to Type Styles

This is Heading 1. Use this style sparingly for top-level callouts and major headers.

This is Heading 2. Use this style for secondary headers. Keep word count to a minimum in this style.

This is Heading 3. Use this style for tertiary headers. Keep word count to a minimum in this style. Words may be bolded for emphasis.

This is Heading 4. This style is exclusively reserved for underlined links. (The underline will appear when text is linked). Heading 4 links are green, not black. As you can see, they do not work with multiple lines of copy. Please limit H4 links to 1-3 words.

This is a Paragraph 1 style. You can apply this style to the first sentence of your paragraph to help lead the eye into the rest of the copy. Words may be bolded for emphasis.

This is a Paragraph 2 style. Use this for longer blocks of copy, or any paragraph longer than 1-2 sentences. Words may be bolded for emphasis.

This is a Paragraph 3 style. Use this style for detail copy, such as captions, “small print” information, or other lines of copy with lesser importance. Words may be bolded for emphasis.


Adding a new Squarespace section creates a thin full-width rule line above the new section. Use sections to block out related chunks of information. When adding new sections, select “Add a blank section” or “Add a saved section,” as opposed to selecting from the Squarespace templates. All sections should have a white background.


When adding a button, only use the “primary” button style. Do not select from other button options. The button should be white with a thin dark green outline, and will turn green when hovered.

Photo captions are Paragraph 3 style and are orange.

A note about fonts & site styles

This site uses a custom loaded font called Atlas Grotesk. Squarespace forces all sites to use one of their built-in font families (in this case, that is a font called Schibsted Grotesque). However, Atlas Grotesk fonts are assigned with CSS and override Schibsted.

Please avoid changing any of Squarespace’s font options, or Squarespace’s “Site Styles” options in general, as they could disrupt the assigned branded styles.


We have a color palette of 5 versatile color options. Please opt for a color from the palette in lieu of selecting custom colors.

All text should be black, unless it is a Heading 4 link (green) or a Paragraph 3 photo caption (orange). All sections should have a white background. The header menu is light beige.